Ascension Convention and Youth ministry

Since we have moved here God has really sharpened us and squeezed us a "bit". He has shown us so much and has encouraged us more then ever to trust in HIM. We have seen one financial miracle after the next from receiving groceries to getting a second car. We have had a guitar given to us, Stephen has come home with $100 walmart gift card and we have had checks handed to us. GOD is so good!!! Yet still we are believing God for a financial break through to where we no longer have to use the credit card and where God is our credit.

In April we had the Joy of having my (Charity's) best friend Adela come visit us from the Czech republic. Adela is actively involved in the church in Prague CZ and is the head of the Children's Department. Other than seeing us, we thought it would be great for her to come and see an event called Ascension Convention. This is a 2,500 large youth convention. It is an awesome opportunity for youth to find God in a radical way.
On one of the days Stephen and I had the privilege of doing 2x 40 minute breakout sessions about sexual purity before marriage. Naming the session "successful Dating" the sessions were completely packed. In total we had around 300 youth attend the sessions. We were so blessed with the understanding that if even half of the youth would decide to follow what we thought their lives could be so blessed and be protected from so much pain.  Thank GOD for giving us the right word for the right season.
Grace and Zoe are growing up so much!!! Grace just turned 4 on April 8th and ZOE is 20 months. Every week grace comes up with the most hilarious things to say and she uses huge words like "that's terrific" or "wow, fantastic" Its great! she has learned almost all her capital letters and has began to read basic words. We are so proud of her!!! 
She has also made some neighbor friends. It is so cute. We have a knock on the door and the kids ask "um Miss Charity, can Gracie come out and play?" We are so happy for her how she is making friends not only at Church but also in her neighborhood.  

Zoe is trying to hard to talk. She keeps taking off her shoes in the car and as of lately when she does she says: "o oh, I sue, i sowi" (I shoe, I sorry). She has grown so much and has started wearing 2T clothes WOW. A few weeks ago i was in the cry room with her and all of a sudden she started doing forward rolls on the floor. I was totally shocked that a 20 month old girl would have the coordination to do so. AMAZING.
As you can tell from this picture Zoe loves corn. We call this picture "All eyes and corn" :) She is such a goof and we see so much of Gracie in her. It is so amusing to so them try to play together. Even if sometimes it get hairy.

As of the beginning of the month Stephen and I are the new youth leaders at our Church in Fishers. We are so excited and honored to be given this responsibility. The youth are amazing!!! During AC we got to know them so much and we are so thrilled about what God will do this year. As this point we are having youth services twice a month on Sunday evenings. It is filled with worship, word, practical application, games, and fellowship time.

Please keep us in prayer as we continue this new adventure for guidance and wisdom for the the youth ministry.   

GOD BLESS, Stephen and Charity


christian life said...

Loved having you at AC this year! Will have to get you a bigger room next year...

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