Welcome to the USA

As of October 29th, 2009 we are USA residents. Coming off the missions field in the Czech Republic we find ourselves on a new missions field in Indianapolis, Indiana.

It has been quite an adjustment for our family getting used to US life.For one, the food and then transportation. Having only one car in America is almost impossible. In our area there are no buses or metros. So if you want to get somewhere, you need to drive. Another adjustment is the culture. It is interesting for me (Charity) experiencing the culture of America. People think so differently then in CZ. But I have started to make some friends here and that is such an answer to prayers.

For three months, Stephen hunted for a job and finally as of last week (in Gods timing) Stephen started "the best job i ever had". THANK YOU GOD!!! Now its time to work at getting some green numbers into our accounts.

Grace and Zoe have grown up so much since we moved here. Grace will be 4 in April and Zoe is 17 months now. When we left Prague Zoe only had 2 teeth. Now, she has like 8 or 9. Hard to tell, since she snaps at you when you try to look. Zoe does not crawl anymore. She actually Runs now. You can imagine what that means for me. Grace has been homeschooling with me since the start of the year till we can get her into a Preschool in March. The other day i was teaching her to draw and "A". When i told her later on to show her daddy, she said: " I dont remember, but i can draw you an S". I was like WHAT? i did not teach you that. What a smart kid.

To the closing of this entry, we are starting to slowly get involved with the church here in Fishers. As of January Stephen and i are helping with the worship on Wednesday nights and I am also singing occasionally on Sundays. As of this month i am also part of the toddler kids church. We will still be doing more ministry, however our new Pastors are easing us into it so we can still adjust to the USA and be most effective here.


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